May 29, 2023

Minister Sanja Vlaisavljević met with the Minister of Culture and Sports of the Sarajevo Canton, Kenan Magoda: First steps of cooperation agreed

Minister Sanja Vlaisavljević met today in her office with the Minister of Culture and Sports of the Sarajevo Canton, Kenan Magoda. The working meeting was also attended by Enid Tahirović, on behalf of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Sarajevo Canton, and by Adnan Džindo, Asistant Minister for Sports from the Federal Ministry.

This was an opportunity to exchange experiences in the field of culture and sports at the federal and cantonal level, but also to agree on concrete joint steps in the coming period.

Minister Vlaisavljević and Minister Magoda are of the opinion that the long-standing problem of cultural institutions calls for a systematic solution. Furthermore, the list of system relevant institutions needs to be expanded. Highly aware that it will not be easy to solve this sensitive issue, both ministers are prepared to take the first step towards a permanent solution to the problem.

The Paralympic Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina was also discussed at the meeting, which has for a long time been facing the problem of lacking the adequate premises, which has been frustrating their smooth operation, and which was also discussed at the recently organised meeting of Minister Vlaisavljević and representatives of the Association. To begin with, it was agreed that Minister Vlaisavljević and Minister Magoda will visit their premises together as soon as possible and try to ensure, with the joint forces and combined activities, conditions for the dignified work of the Paralympic Committee.

In the end, it was concluded that the two ministries of culture and sports are perfectly capable of making a step forward and launching a range of positive changes with the common will, agreement and transparency of work, which were demonstrated already at the first meeting.

Measurability of work results, openness towards more users and respect for competences can contribute to changes that solve current problems and open issues in the field of culture and sports.