The BiH National Minorities’ Council organised in cooperation with the OSCE Mission to BiH and the Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees of BiH the First Conference of National Minorities of BiH on 21 May 2024 in the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH. The Conference was opened by the Chairman of the BiH National Minorities’ Council, Mujo Fafulić, who emphasised how important organisation of such an event was for building peace, understanding and cooperation among national minorities, which was confirmed by other speakers. The Conference was held in two thematic panels, which included discussion. In the first panel, adviser Pavićević held a presentation titled “Support to Cultural Cooperation of National Minorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, emphasising the importance of networking national minority associations and cooperation in the organisation of events that promote the preservation of traditions and cultural heritage of national minorities.
Conference participants concluded that it was important to recognise the needs of national minority associations and provide them with continuous support and greater visibility.