During the opening of the Meeting, Salkić emphasised that the drafting of the first Youth Strategy of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina was in its final phase and that it represented one of fundamental documents that strengthened the development of human capital in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a basic factor in the economic, social and human development of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
In addition to Assistant Minister Salkić, the representative of the partner organisation of the FBiH Youth Council Irma Rešidović and Jasmina Banjalučkić, an expert consultant from the Institute for Youth Development KULT, participated in the presentation of the working text of the Youth Strategy of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
SOS Children’s Villages in BiH established at the end of 2022 an informal group – “Platform for Parliamentarians’ Cooperation of the Federation of BiH titled “Voice of Children Without Parental Care”, which aims to provide support to decision-makers at the federal level for improvement of legal frameworks related to the rights and the position of children without parental care, children who are at risk of being separated from their families, young people who leave alternative care and socially vulnerable families with children in local areas. The platform offers professional support in the preparation of proposals and initiatives for the House of Representatives and the House of Peoples of the Parliament of the Federation of BiH in the areas of social and child protection, and operates through organised quarterly meetings and the exchange of information, expert materials, presentations and assistance in the preparation of initiatives. The platform consists of over 30% of the total number of representatives and delegates of the FBiH Parliament, and so far 11 initiatives have been sent on behalf of both houses of the Parliament of the Federation of BiH, which have contributed to the acceleration of the process through the referral of laws to the parliamentary procedure, the finalisation and adoption of strategies and laws.