
Sarajevo: Advisor to the Minister Emilija Pavićević and Expert Associate for culture Marko Francešević, participated in the First Conference of National Minorities in BiH

The BiH National Minorities’ Council organised in cooperation with the OSCE Mission to BiH and the Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees of BiH the First Conference of National Minorities of BiH on 21 May 2024 in the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH. The Conference was opened by the Chairman of the BiH National Minorities’ Council,…

Days of European Heritage on the Cultural Promenade: Pupils of Elementary School “Kiseljak 1” from Bilalovac delighted the audience with rich programme

After last week’s performance by students of the “Sarajevo High School of Music”, pupils of the Elementary School “Kiseljak 1” from Bilalovac performed today on the promenade in front of the Ministry within the “European Heritage Day 2024” programme. Led by the school principal Nermin Merhemić and teachers Zijad Hasić, Admir Šatar, Zehra Šljivo, Sadeta…

Ninoslav Verber presented to Minister Vlaisavljević this year’s programme of the “Sarajevo Nights of Music – SVEM” Festival

Fans of international and local BiH classical music can enjoy concert surprises and festival atmosphere from 15 to 24 May at the National Theatre that will enrich the 30th anniversary of the “Sarajevo Nights of Music-SVEM” Festival. On this occasion, the Artistic Director of SVEM, Ninoslav Verber, visited the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports…

The exhibition “The Wartime Love” opened in Sarajevo

The Bosnian Cultural Centre in Sarajevo hosted the exhibition title “The Wartime Love”, which was opened on 10 May 2024, in organisation of the “Sarajevo Meeting of Cultures” Association. The exhibition represents an important cultural event that brings stories of love, courage and solidarity of the citizens of Sarajevo during the difficult war-time from the…