July 3, 2024

Days of European Heritage 2024: Sevdah on the Promenade of Culture by young sevdali from the “Saray Sevdah” Association

The ninth event organised within the manifestation “Days of European Heritage 2024” brought to the Promenade of Culture in front of the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports members of the Sevdali Association “Saray Sevdah” from Sarajevo who had been working hard to preserve and promote the sevdali and intangible cultural heritage of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

At the very beginning of the performance, minister Sanja Vlaisavljević addressed the guests on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports:

“I am happy that today I can greet on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports wonderful and dear people, friends from Olovo and Sarajevo. The Promenade of Culture has been expanding itself to other cities that are sharing beauty and goodness with us. I am glad to see our guests, as well as the random passers-by who stop here in front of the Ministry. I want the songs that we will hear today to echo as far as possible from this Promenade of ours,” said the Minister.

The “Saray Sevdah” Association was founded in 2011 and has over 60 members. It has been paying huge attention to young sevdalinka interpreters, as the audience in front of the Ministry had the opportunity to see for themselves today. Namely, students from Sarajevo and Olovo, Hamza Bajraktarević, Dženeta and Najla Carković, Amar Omerović, Adnan Hubijar, Almedina Ibrahimović and Ismeta Bajraktarević performed famous sevdalinka on the Promenade of Culture.

The work of the “Saray Sevdah” Association was presented by the long-time sevdalinka interpreter, Vesna Hadžić Šeremet with “Razbolje se šimšir list” that delighted the guests of the Promenade.

At the very end of today’s meeting, the President of the Association, Refija Muslić, honoured the audience at the Promenade of Culture with the performance of the famous sevdalinka “Ne klepeči nanulama”, by which she expressed her gratitude to the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports for the invitation and the selfless long-term support to the work of the Association, as well as for the affirmation of the tradition and culture of Bosnia and Herzegovina.