March 6, 2024

Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports: Minister Sanja Vlaisavljević met with the representatives of the BiH Olympic Committee, Izet Rađo and Said Fazlagić

Federal Minister of Culture and Sports Sanja Vlaisavljević and Assistant Minister for Sports, Adnan Džindo, met today with the representatives of the BiH Olympic Committee, the Chairman of the Committee, Izet Rađo, and Secretary General, Said Fazlagić.

The meeting was an opportunity for the representatives of the roof institution of BiH sports to present their so-far activities and projects, as well as the plans for the challenging Olympic year.

Rađo and Fazlagić informed the Minister that, in addition to participating in numerous sports competitions, the Olympic Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina was implementing numerous other projects to support athletes and coaches, and to improve management and promote Olympic values. Furthermore, they presented the Committee’s annual income from various sources with the purpose of informing the Ministry and the public in a more transparent manner about the co-financing of various projects and needs of the best BiH athletes, as well as the athletes who have been working to join the best.

Minister Vlaisavljević wished the representatives of the Committee a warm welcome to the Ministry. She commended the idea of ​​transparency, which the Ministry has been continuously promoting. With the goal of a good constructive cooperation between the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports and the Olympic Committee of BiH, joint projects were agreed with the aim of improving sports in BiH, for which, ultimately, as it was concluded, it was necessary to make systematic solutions, in which both the Ministry and the Olympic Committee are truly ready to participate.