June 13, 2023

Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports: Indira Kučuk-Sorguč presented to minister Vlaisavljević the Children Arts Festival “FEDU”

Minister Sanja Vlaisavljević met today in the Ministry with the Project Manager of the Children Arts Festival “FEDU” and Selector of the Competition Programme, Ms. Indira Kučuk -Sorguč.

Ms. Kučuk-Sorguč presented, on this occasion, the activities of “FEDU”, the International Children Festival in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region, as well as the plans for the forthcoming period, and the programme of the recently held 9th edition of the Festival.

The Festival gathered once again children from all over the region, who competed in the categories of theatre, literature, music and art.

Minister Vlaisavljević emphasized how happy she was about the fact that the school-children were through the dramatic, literary, musical and artistic character of the “FEDU” Festival given an opportunity, as well as the adequate space, for artistic creation and the presentation of numerous talents, and the possibility of quality use of their free time.

At the end of the meeting, minister Vlaisavljević wished the entire team of the “FEDU” Festival a lot of luck and success in their future work, and many successfully realized editions of the Festival.