July 31, 2023

Minister Sanja Vlaisavljević met with boxer Edin Puhalo

The Federal Minister of Culture and Sports, Sanja Vlaisavljević, met today with the professional boxer from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Edin Puhalo. Namely, the meeting was organized after Edin Puhalo alias Iron Puki defended the title of European champion in the WBA elite boxing division last month, against the multiple champion of France, which is also the fifth title of the European champion in elite boxing divisions.

Puhalo spoke about his past successes and plans for the next period, considering that, as he pointed out, he could get the opportunity to fight for the world belt in the oldest WBA division for the first time in the history of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Puhalo also informed Minister Vlaisavljević that the strongest and oldest boxing organization WBA published the latest list of the best boxers, i.e. challengers for the world champion, on which he was ranked 5th in the cruiserweight category.

Minister Vlaisavljević wished Edin luck in the upcoming sports challenges and pointed out that the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports will encourage all his future endeavours.