July 12, 2023

Minister Sanja Vlaisavljević at a meeting with Nedžada Fazlija and Farah Onešćuk

The Federal Minister of Culture and Sports Sanja Vlaisavljević received today in her office the representatives of the Sarajevo Shooting Club – Farah Onešćuk, the shooter and Nedžad Fazlija, the coach.

Minister Vlaisavljević expressed her satisfaction with the fact that she had an opportunity to welcome the BiH shooting team at the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports after their return from the European Sports Games organized in Poland.

The meeting participants discussed the successes of the Sarajevo Shooting Club, which was awarded, for the 28th time, the title of national champion, and the achievements of the club members, including the national team player, national record holder and champion of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the cadet, junior and senior categories, Farah Onešćuk.

The representatives of the Club informed the minister about the future plans, the challenges they were facing in their work and the competitions expected in the forthcoming period.

Minister Vlaisavljević wished our team success in future national and international competitions and stated that the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports was there to encourage and support our athletes as much as possible.