November 2, 2023

Institute for the Protection of Monuments: ordinary conservatory supervision over the execution of works on the facade of the “Beledije” building

On the basis of the Decision number: 07-36-4-3212-3/23 on the appointment of a person to carry out occasional conservation supervision over the execution of works on the facade of the “Beledije” building in Brodac Street No. 2 in Sarajevo, the expert team of the Institute for the Protection of Monuments consisting of the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports, together with all participants in the construction, has been working on the realisation of this complex, conservation-restoration work. The works are in full swing, with a number of unforeseen and unexpected problems specific to works on important historical buildings and buildings that are under state protection.

The Institute’s professional team, with its experience, suggestions, proposals, approvals and constant presence, strives to create the conditions for this significant facility to be completed in the most professional and high-quality manner, regardless of a number of aggravating and limiting circumstances. Solutions regarding the choice of colours, methods of conservation of decorative wreaths, details of sheet metal covering and selection of material quality are only one small segment of the Institute’s overall contribution to this project.

The work takes place in a high-quality, professional and friendly atmosphere, and the results slowly but surely get the desired flow while respecting the contractual obligations and time duration.