Nusret Čolo, Expert Advisor for the Protection of Cultural-Historical Heritage and Museum Operations attended on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports the promotion of the project “Digitalisation of the Heritage of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina”, organised by the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina (ANUBiH) on 29 November 2023.
Namely, at its session held on 16 March 2022, the Presidency of ANUBiH adopted the proposal of the project “Digitalisation of the Heritage of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina” with the long-term goal to create the digital content and to provide the services based on modern information technologies, interoperability and long-term usability and inclusion in national and European projects of building the information society.
The project was presented by academician Asif Šabanović, while Minela Đelmo, Sabina Vejzagić and Šeila Bećirović-Ramić spoke about the importance and guidelines for its implementation, and presented all segments and aspects of digitisation in detail.
It was stated that the digitalisation project of archival and other materials of ANUBiH, as a very important segment of the cultural heritage of Bosnia and Herzegovina, entails the creation of a normative and infrastructural framework that would enable and encourage wide availability, use and exchange of content and facilitate access and presentation of this part of ANUBiH cultural heritage.
The preliminary idea of the project is to contribute to the preservation and availability of the results of ANUBiH activities presented in the materials owned by the Library and Archives of ANUBiH.