
The first joint meeting of the Central Bosnia artists organised by the Ministry with the aim of presenting the culture, traditions and customs of this region

Federal Minister of Culture and Sports Sanja Vlaisavljević and Advisor to the Minister  Damir Bunoza have met today in the premises of the Ministry with artists, representatives of associations, harmony-singing groups and cultural and artistic societies from Central Bosnia. The meeting was attended by Ivana Tomčić Vujica, the President of HKUD Fr. Karlo Kujundžić Brestovsko,…

Glossary of Major Constitutional Concepts in BiH “Citizens, Constitution, Europe” promoted

On 20 November 2023, the Rectorate of the University of Sarajevo and the Italian Embassy organised the promotion of the Glossary titled “Citizens, Constitution, Europe” in the Historical Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The promotion was attended by academics, members of the international community, diplomats and all citizens interested in constitutional law. The guests were…

Institute for the Protection of Monuments: Working Visit to Travnik

The Institute for the Protection of Monuments inspected the condition of the Old Town walls after the collapse of the wall fabric. In a conversation with the representatives of the Travnik Museum, instructions were given on how to urgently repair the walls. Acting according to the Decision of the Federal Administration for Inspection Affairs, we…

European Heritage Days 2023: Joint concert of the First Bosniak High School and the Catholic School Centre to be held tomorrow on the promenade in front of the Ministry building

The Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports continues the European Heritage Days 2023 programme with the concert of the choirs of the Catholic School Centre and the First Bosniak High School from Sarajevo to be held tomorrow, starting at 12:00, on the promenade in front of the Ministry, You are all invited to the “Outdoor…

Institute for the Protection of Monuments: The first phase of conservation and restoration works on the Old Town of Gradačac

In the Old Town of Gradačac, the national monument of Bosnia and Herzegovina, conservation and restoration works on the fortification tower (first phase) have been opened. The opening of the works was attended by representatives of the Municipality of Gradačac, the contractor, supervision and a representative of the Institute for the Protection of Monuments at…