November 8, 2023

The Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports continues with the European Heritage Day 2023 programme: Members of the Croatian Cultural and Artistic Society “Rodoč” from Mostar presented the traditional dances, songs and costumes of Western Herzegovina for the first time in front of the Ministry building

The Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports has continued today with the European Heritage Day 2023 programme on the promenade in front of the Ministry building, presenting traditional dances, songs and costumes of Western Herzegovina.

“Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I am so pleased to see ever more of you gathering on the promenade in front of the Ministry building to mark another European Heritage Day 2023 event. Every Wednesday we prepare something new for you, including the today’s event. Bosnia and Herzegovina is like a beautiful flower with many individual petals, and not a single one of them jeopardizes the wholeness of the flower. Just like that, our cultural diversity should adorn the flower called Bosnia and Herzegovina. We, as the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports, strive to present exactly that. I am particularly pleased to welcome my friends from Mostar, the Croatian Amateur Cultural and Artistic Society “Rodoč”, who are our guests at the Ministry for the first time today, but surely not for the last time,” Minister Sanja Vlaisavljević emphasized today.

Damir Bunoza, Adviser to the Minister for Organisation and Strategic planning in the Field of Culture, addressed the guests: “The European Heritage Days event is celebrated every Wednesday in front of the Ministry, until 12 December, when the final manifestation will be organised in Mostar, in the Croatian Home of Herceg Stjepan Kosača. I am glad to see in Sarajevo our guests from Mostar and I am happy that these two cities of Bosnia and Herzegovina are getting closer in cultural, but also in every other sense”.

The Artistic Director of the Croatian Cultural and Artistic Society “Rodoč”, Vedran Vidović, presented the activities of HAKUD “Rodoč”:

“What memory is to an individual, that is tradition to a nation. That was said by a great man, and it represents the core of what we want to tell you today. This is our tradition and we must not forget it. Today you will have the opportunity to see the old traditional costumes, as they were worn in our area, in Rodoč, and we will also show you the songs and chants of the new tradition, and the way in which people today interpret our culture and tradition”, said Vidović.

The members of HAKUD “Rodoč” delighted the audience with an one-hour programme presenting their songs and folk costumes.

The European Heritage Day 2023 program continues next week at the same location.