May 16, 2024

Ninoslav Verber presented to Minister Vlaisavljević this year’s programme of the “Sarajevo Nights of Music – SVEM” Festival

Fans of international and local BiH classical music can enjoy concert surprises and festival atmosphere from 15 to 24 May at the National Theatre that will enrich the 30th anniversary of the “Sarajevo Nights of Music-SVEM” Festival.

On this occasion, the Artistic Director of SVEM, Ninoslav Verber, visited the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports and presented this year’s programme to Minister Sanja Vlaisavljević.

As Verber pointed out, the central event of the jubilee edition of SVEM would be the guest appearance of piano virtuoso Ivo Pogorelić, who will treat the audience to an all-night recital dedicated to works of Frederic Chopin.