April 11, 2024

Minister Sanja Vlaisavljević presented the award to Fr. Jozo Radoš Đoka

The award-presentation ceremony of the “Herzegovinian of the Year” election was held in Čitluk on 10 April 2024. The goal of this already traditional manifestation is to promote Herzegovina and its successful inhabitants who live in Herzegovina, Bosnia and around the world.

The most ceremonial part of the event is presentation of awards for life’s work, the awards of the Expert Jury, the Organising Committee, media partners and finally, the ceremonial announcement of the Herzegovinian of the Year. This honour went this year to Fr. Jozo Radoš Đoka, who is currently serving as parish vicar in Bukovica. Brother Jozo’s biography is truly rich in good deeds and wholeheartedly helping those in need, and what makes him recognizable beyond the borders of Bosnia and Herzegovina is the spiritual-humanitarian organisation “Drop of Love”, which is celebrating 25 years of activity this year. The award was presented to Fr. Jozo by the Federal Minister of Culture and Sports, Sanja Vlaisavljević, who emphasised, among other things, that “Fr. Jozo’s drop of love has become a sea into which we must all pour and do good deeds like Fr. Jozo.”

The presentation of the award to Fr. Jozo was truly the most emotional part of the evening, which ended in a festive mood, and Fr. Jozo’s “drops of love” made the atmosphere magical, and his parishioners prepared numerous surprises for him to show their gratitude for all the love and good deeds which he did in their parish, and which he still does today throughout Herzegovina and Bosnia and Herzegovina.