May 25, 2023

Minister Sanja Vlaisavljević met with the Management Boards of four foundations

Today, Minister Sanja Vlaisavljević received in her office the chairpersons of the Management Boards of four foundations that operate at the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports: Antonio Beus, Chairman of the Management Board of the Foundation for Cinematography, Armin Omerović, Chairman of the Management Board of the Foundation for Music, Performing Arts and Visual Arts, Edin Kukavica, Chairman of the Management Board of the Foundation for Library Activities, and Ivan Sivrić, Chairman of the Management Board of the Foundation for Publishing.

On behalf of the Ministry, along with Minister Vlaisavljević, the meeting was attended by Bojana Štrbac, Adviser to the Minister for Organization and Strategic Planning in the Field of Culture, Adnan Džindo, Assistant Minister for Sports, Adis Salkić, Assistant Minister for Youth, Mirela Milićević Šečić, Expert Advisor in the Sector for Cultural and Historical Heritage and Culture, and Anita Vlašić, Head of the Minister’s Office.

The chairmen of the foundations, together with the present members of the management boards, Miroslav Ilić from the Management Board of the Foundation for Music, Performing and Fine Arts, and Nina Buljevac Salkić from the Management Board of the Foundation for Library Activities, congratulated the minister on assuming her duties in the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports. and they briefly presented the foundations’ activities.

The belief was expressed that future cooperation with the Ministry will be successful, as well as that communication is one of the best ways for achieving maximum success in work, both in foundations and in the Ministry.