May 10, 2024

Kristina Ljevak Bajramović presented to Minister Vlaisavljević the idea of ​​ organising the tribute to Aleksandar Saša Bukvić

Federal Minister of Culture and Sports, Sanja Vlaisavljević, received today at her office the journalist and editor Kristina Ljevak Bajramović.

After Minister Vlaisavljević’s welcoming words, Ljevak Bajramović presented the idea of ​​reactivating the iconic “Zvono” Gallery, which was run for years by the artist and founder of the Zvono Group, Aleksandar Saša Bukvić.

Ljevak-Bajramović explained that after Saša Bukvić had passed away the “Zvono” Association ceased working. She presented the idea of paying a tribute to this prominent artist whose work is considered to be pioneering in the field of conceptual art in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and to revive the significant art space of the “Zvono” Gallery in which various programmes had been organised over the years. The intention is to create a monograph on the work of the “Zvono” Group, as a permanent form of memory of what this iconic group did and created, and which was the great wish of Aleksandar Saša Bukvić.

At the end of the meeting, the Minister pointed out that the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports welcomed the idea of ​​reactivating the beautiful story that had always been connected to the “Zvono” Gallery and the artist Aleksandar Saša Bukvić.