June 8, 2023

First month of Minister Sanja Vlaisavljević’s term in the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sport

After the House of Representatives of the Parliament of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina approved the new structure of the Federal Government, the handover of duties between the new and the old convocation was held in the Government Building on 3 May 2023.
A day after having taken over the duties, on 4 May 2023, Federal Minister of Culture and Sport, Sanja Vlaisavljević, attended the First Session of the new Government.
Minister Vlaisavljević wanted to meet all employees of the Ministry immediately after having taken the office, on which occasion she emphasised the importance of teamwork and proactive communication, which will be the basic method of her work, she emphasized.
It was agreed to organise regular weekly meetings every Monday in which the Minister, representatives of the Minister’s Office and the Assistant Ministers would participate with the goal to make plans for the coming week, exchange information on the activities of the divisions, and to carry out continuous consultations, which became the practice in the first month of Minister Vlaisavljević’s term in the Ministry.
In the first month, Minister received numerous cultural and sports workers, who visited the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports in order to present to the Minister their work, results, successes and plans.
Minister Vlaisavljević and her associates met with the Minister of Culture and Sport of the Sarajevo Canton, Mr. Kenan Magoda and his associates, representatives of the National Theatre of Sarajevo, the National Film Archive of Bosnia and Herzegovine, Sarajevo Film Festival, “Sarajevo Meeting of Cultures” Association and Association of Artists, Athletes and Persons with Disabilities “MISS”. Artists Hanna Dujmović, Ninoslav Verber and Vlado Podany were also received for the working meetings.

 Minister Vlaisavljević signed in the first month of her term the Financing Agreement with the Olympic Committee and Paraolympic Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In addition, a working meeting was held with the representatives of four foundations that work at the Ministry, as well as with the Director of the Public Enterprise “Film Centre Sarajevo”.
Furthermore, Minister Vlaisavljević attended the Olympic Day and visited the ITF Tournament “Kiseljak Open” in Kiseljak, where she handed out the prizes to the best tennis-players.
Employees of the Ministry attended various manifestations and events, such as the “Day of Europe”, opening-ceremony of Valerijan Žujo’s exhibition “The Sarajevo Assassination”, and participated in the Forum of Experience Exchange in the implementation of the Third European Convention on the Work with the Youth held in Bonn, Germany and the Second Meeting of the Working Group for the Preparation of the Action Plan Proposal for the Implementation of the Cultural Policy Strategy in BiH 2023-2026.
We shared the joy with the Bosnian athletes about their numerous national and international successes, medals and victories. We marked the International Museum Day, the International Day of Physical Activity and the International Day of Cultural Diversity.
The website of the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports has been redesigned since 22 May 2023 in four languages, with the aim of presenting the numerous activities of the Ministry to the general public as transparently as possible.
In the past month, the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports issued 12 approvals for the export of works of art and antiquities, as well as two expert opinions by the Institute for Monuments Protection.
We also started works on equipping all the premises in the Ministry building, the activity in which all the employees are involved. This is a clear sign of a strong wish of all employees to work jointly on maximally improving the working conditions, highly aware of the fact that the working environment is one of the most important factors for quality of work.