October 11, 2023

Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports: Beneficiaries of intervention funds signed financing agreements in the Ministry

The Federal Minister of Culture and Sports, Sanja Vlaisavljević, signed today in the Ministry the Agreements on Financing from intervention funds with the following beneficiaries: Association of Citizens Youth Chess Club “Champions Academy” Doboj Istok, Association “The Drop”, Public Institution MES International Theatre Festival-MESS Scene, Association Club Gallery Adin Hebib “The Painter“, Association “Polygon” and Public Institution for Information and Culture “Cultural Center“ Žepče.

The Committee for Intervention Funds Distribution for Transfers in 2023 selected the beneficiaries on the basis of criteria of urgency, contingency and specificity of projects.

The funds were approved for the following purpose:

  • Association of Citizens Youth Chess Club “Champions Academy” Doboj Istok: participation of Ivana Mikić in the Youth Championship to he held in Mexico
  • Association “The Drop”: “Cultural View over the Border”
  • Public Institution MES International Theatre Festival-MESS Scene: Dramadžiluk“
  • Association Club Gallery Adin Hebib “The Painter“: preparation of an exhibition in Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Association “Polygon”: International Literature Festival “Polygon”
  • Public Institution for Information and Culture “Cultural Center“ Žepče: School of Acting “Harmony”.