October 27, 2023

Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports: A meeting held with representatives of the “Artista” Association from Sarajevo

A meeting was held at the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports with representatives of the “Artista” Association from Sarajevo on the topic of the upcoming 1st International Children’s Song Festival Sarajevo. On behalf of the Ministry, Mirela Milićević Šečić, Expert Advisor for Music, Film and Theatre, spoke with the representatives of the Association.

Chairperson of the assembly of the “Artista” Association and a member of the Festival’s Organising Committee, Mirela Čengić, spoke about the launch of a new children’s song festival in Sarajevo, a city that inherits the widely known tradition of the “Mali šlager” Festival. Since the “Mali šlager” Festival has not been held for many years, the organisers and initiators of the new children’s festival “Kids Star 2023” recognised the need to safeguard children’s songs and return such cultural events to the City of Sarajevo.

Support for the “Kids Star 2023” Festival was also provided by Zlatko Bostandžić, leader of the popular children’s choir “Princess krofne”, who also attended the meeting.

On behalf of the Ministry, Milićević Šečić sent her sincere wishes for the success of the planned children’s song festival, and instructed the organisers to apply for funding in accordance with the Ministry’s public tenders for the following years.