January 23, 2024

FBiH Government: Award-presentation ceremony to athletes, coaches and sports teams for outstanding sports results in 2023

Award-presentation ceremony to athletes, coaches and sports teams from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina for outstanding results at international competitions in 2023 was held today in the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo, in organisation of the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports.

Awards, and the cash prizes, were presented to 35 athletes, 14 coaches/selectors and one sports team.

In this, second round of awards-presentation, the Federation of BiH allocated the total amount of KM 401,750 from its Budget 2023, for the sports results achieved in the period from August to mid-December 2023.

The Federal Minister of Culture and Sports, Sanja Vlaisavljević, pointed out that she was very happy that in 2023 the amount of awards for the best athletes of Bosnia and Herzegovina has been doubled.

– We have been fulfilling our obligation and I can proudly say that in 2023 the amount for the prizes to the best athletes was doubled. In 2022, it amounted to KM 650,000, and in 2023, to KM 1,125,000. We will continue investing in sports as much as possible and in all possible ways, whereas our Ministry has always been open to athletes, as many of you can testify, because we are here for them. – said Minister Vlaisavljević.

Deputy Prime Minister of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Vojin Mijatović, said that he was proud of all that the FBiH Government had done for sports the year before.

– Last year we invested in sports fields, sports clubs and I am very proud of that, but I am also very proud also of what we plan to do in 2024. The prime minister ordered the Law on Retirement Pensions for Deserving Sportsmen to be finally prepared and put into procedure. Bosnia and Herzegovina is one of the few countries without such a piece of legislation, and we have many deserving athletes, who must be rewarded for everything they do for this country. My sincere congratulations to all these great people who achieve great results in not so great conditions. The awards are just a small incentive by which the Government of the Federation of BiH supports their work. I hope that the amount for awards will be raised in the Federal Budget 2024 and every year after that, so that the conditions for our deserving sportsmen and for all those who play sports, and present Bosnia and Herzegovina at local and international competitions may be improved. Once again, thank you! And congratulations to everyone who will receive an award today! – said Mijatović.

The selector of the BiH national team in sitting volleyball, Ifet Mahmutović, emphasised that the biggest award for BiH athletes is the adoption of the Law on Retirement Pensions for Deserving Sportsmen.

– It is really painful to see that the former Yugoslav national team member Vesna Bajkuša has neither social security nor health care, and no income at all. That’s why I would like to thank everyone for this initiative. We need to invest in sports and we will certainly have many more prizes. – said Mahmutović.

A member of the “Spid” Swimming Club from Sarajevo, Ismail Barlov, who won several medals last year and who is the first BiH Paralympian to achieve the “A” standard for the Paralympic Games in Paris this year, also received an award.

– I would like to thank my parents, colleagues from the team, all coaches, but also Minister Vlaisavljević for the wonderful surprise and the welcome reception the Ministry organised upon my return from Egypt. I hope that the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina will continue supporting Paralympic sports – said Barlov.

– I want to thank the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports and the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina for awarding us, athletes and investing in us, because it is necessary. We represent our homeland at international competitions in the most beautiful light, said Sara Pidro from Taekwondo Club “Bugojno”, who won a silver medal at the European Junior Championship in Estonia in 2023.

Awards were given to the member of Taekwondo club “Bugojno” Sara Pidro and coach Hamza Malbašić, member of Taekwondo club “Akademija” Tešanj Nedina Mehmedović and coach Elvin Mehmedović, swimmer Lana Pudar and coach Damir Đedović, Ismail Barlov and coach Amel Kapo, members of Taekwondo Club Novi Grad Benjamin and Nedžad Husić and coach Haris Husić, Athletic Club “Sarajevo, Federation of Sitting Volleyball BiH, weightlifter Azra Alatović and coach Haris Durak, weightlifter Faris Durak, athlete Danijela Kuna, athlete Emir Hastor, parashooter Ervin Bejdić and coach Zijad Kamarić.

Taekwondoist Ahmed Dizdar, bodybuilder Ivana Vučković, boxer Emina Brkić, boxer Dylan Rajić and coach Almedin Fetahović, boxer Tarik Kunovac and coach Nijaz Kunovac, and member of the Taekwondo Club “Sarajevo” Ada Avdagić and coach Ibrahim Kolja also received awards.

Members of the Aster Dance Club, Vedran Marcheta and Valentina Vavra performed in the entertaining part of the ceremony.

he Decision on Awarding for Top Sports Results pursuant to the Regulation on Determining the Criteria for Awarding Athletes, Coaches and Sports Associations from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina for Achieved Outstanding Sports Results at international competitions was adopted by the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina on 21 September 2023 at proposal of the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports.