June 5, 2023

Dino Mujkić presented to Minister Sanja Vlaisavljević the activities of the “Sarajevo susret kultura” Association

Minister Sanja Vlaisavljević met today in the Ministry with Dino Mujkić, Chairman of the Citizens’ Association “Sarajevo susret kultura“ (Sarajevo Meeting of Cultures) .

Mujkić informed Minister Vlaisavljević about the work of this Association that was founded in 2012 with the mission to promote Sarajevo and Bosnia and Herzegovina as a centre of different cultures, and also to improve the tourist offer by bringing the cultural and tourist field closer together in order to create new offers in cultural tourism.

Furthermore, Mujkić presented the projects implemented in the past period, emphasizing his hope for continuation of the successful cooperation between the Ministry and the Association.

Minister Vlaisavljević pointed out to the fact that Federal Ministry of Culture and Sport was open to all quality projects, and that we all had to put our efforts in promotion of the common values in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Minister is of the opinion that the Ministry should act as a bridge connecting all the stakeholders in the field of culture. Meeting of cultures in Bosnia and Herzegovina should be more in focus, in order to reduce potential resistance to the other and the different, with the goal of fighting prejudices.

The meeting was closed with the conclusion that ideas for common activities existed, and that the Ministry would always be there to support good ideas and follow their realisation.