January 29, 2024

Congratulations: Elvedina Muzaferia achieved the best ranking in the history of BiH skiing

The best skier from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Elvedina Muzaferija, achieved the result of her career in the Super-G race of the World Cup, which was held in the famous ski resort of Kortini d’Ampaco. Minister Sanja Vlaisavljević sent a congratulatory message on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports:

“Our dear Elvedina, we are proud of the great result, the best in the history of skiing of Bosnia and Herzegovina. We wish your every next race to be even better and more successful!”

With a great ride and the time of 1:22.58, Muzaferia took 14th place and thus achieved the best ranking in the history of BiH skiing. She left behind numerous renowned female skiers.

With this result Elvedina won 18 new points in the overall standings in the World Cup.