May 16, 2024

The exhibition “The Wartime Love” opened in Sarajevo

The Bosnian Cultural Centre in Sarajevo hosted the exhibition title “The Wartime Love”, which was opened on 10 May 2024, in organisation of the “Sarajevo Meeting of Cultures” Association.

The exhibition represents an important cultural event that brings stories of love, courage and solidarity of the citizens of Sarajevo during the difficult war-time from the 90-ies.

The exhibition “The War Loves” shows the lives of people in Sarajevo who faced the war, but still managed to find love and hope. Through artistic expressions such as photographs, installations and other media forms, visitors had the opportunity to learn about the powerful stories of love and resistance that marked that period.

On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports, the exhibition opening was attended by Sanja Arnautović, expert advisor for institutions and associations in the field of culture.