October 4, 2024

Federal Minister of Culture and Sports Sanja Vlaisavljević opened the exhibition “Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina – Life and History at the Juncture of East and West” in the University Gallery in Split 

The exhibition of paintings, videos and folk costumes entitled “Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina – Life and History at the Juncture of East and West” was the officially opened on Thursday, 3 October 2024 in the University Gallery in Split, in organisation of the Split Branch of Croatian Emigrants’ Organisation and the Association for the Promotion of Traditional Culture in BiH “Stećak”.

The exhibition was opened by the Federal Minister of Culture and Sports, Sanja Vlaisavljević, who invited the present guests and the public to view the exhibition of twenty photographs and twenty videos from all parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the folk costumes, which showed the centuries-old intertwining and mutual enriching of cultures in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The opening ceremony was attended by numerous guests from the cultural and political life of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia. The Croatian Cultural and Art Society “Lindžo” from Neum and the Women’s Singing Group from Tomislavgrad performed in the musical programme.