The Director of the Youth Film Festival (OFF), Kenan Musić, visited the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports today.
After Minister Sanja Vlaisavljević welcomed the guest and praised organisation of this year’s 16th OFF, Musić reflected on the previous season and numerous projects successfully realised by the Festival.
On this occasion, Musić thanked Minister Vlaisavljavić for the support received from the Transfer for Mobility of Artists of the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports, which included support for projects of professional development of personal artistic practice and strengthening of personal professional capacities of artists. Thanks to this support, Musić travelled to the San Sebastian Festival in Spain. The Festival brought together hundreds of authors from all over the world who, through four days of networking, presented their development projects and built new connections in search of financiers, co-productions and distributors.
Musić proudly pointed out that, for the first time, an agreement on cooperation between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Spain had been signed, which made it possible to apply with projects of artists from Bosnia and Herzegovina to Spain and vice versa.
Minister Vlaisavljević and Kenan Musić considered the possibilities of overcoming the problems that young artists were facing in order to realise projects and position themselves in the sometimes challenging film market.